automatic posting to facebook page

Automatically post to a Facebook page?

I have a Facebook Page that I would like to automatically post to, but I don't want to post to my Facebook account (which is used for personal stuff). Is there a way to do so?

Find Hidden Email Address Of Fb account my Friends

Today am dropping a Facebook trick to know the Email address of your Facebook Friends ,just read on. so now lets Try this fast & Easy method discovered by Me 
  • Open Your Facebook Account goto “settings” click general >> Mainland Disable Facebook email address
  • Now Send message to victim.
  • Open your gmail Account click “inbox” select “contacts” Now it shown recently contacted users.
  • Click “victim link” here It Shows The Mail ID Of Victim.!
  • Hope its cool? So with the Facebook account u got his/her
    Email ID.
    Thanks.. Stay with us..

    Your facebook account permanently Delete

    Hi to all,
    Often we need to delete our account. We deactive our account sometime. But deactive is not equal to delete:)
    Go to the below link to
    After submition , don’t log in to your account for next 16days .
    Your account will be deleted .
    Thanks for your patience.

    Change your facebook name before 60 days

    To change your facebook
    *First contact fb helpline
    From mobile go here =>
    from pc go here =>

    *Then enter your New first name, New Last name and from “Reason for this change” pick Spelling Mistake,Language change or change in merital status
    *If you change your name to legal name then upload any legal id if not
    then download and upload your Profile Picture in Your ID.
    Note : Don’t change your Profile Picture in next 2- days.
    *If you done those steps provided above click on send
    Sometimes you need to wait 3-4 days to effect the change you made

    Mergeing Duplicate your fb pages

    If You are a Facebook page Admin and you have to pages at same name you can merge those into one.
    To merge your pages :
    1.You must need to be an Admin of those two pages.
    2.Your pages name should be same bt other page can contains space or dot in the name.
    That’s it 
    Now Go to the pages Setting Then Scroll Down the page you will find an option named Merge Duplicate pages.
    Now click on it. It’s take to an another page.
    There you will see two boxes named select page.
    Now you have to do the main work.
    click on the box.
    on the first box select the page which has more like than the other page. Then Select another on second box.
    Now click Merge pages.
    That will be an error :(. Bt don’t worry when you go to your page youu will see the likes are coming on your page with huge speed :p
    Show Some patience. At a time those page likes will stopped. That’s it you have merged your duplicate page.
    Thank you for read this tune :).
    That was my first English tune. So, It’s possible to make some mistakes 
    If anything goes wrong. Hopefully you will find forgiveness. 

    Satellite internet service is free to set up on Facebook.

    Free Internet from remote areas of the world to support Facebook. The company has undertaken several projects to bring the Internet to everyone. Free internet and in cooperation with local telecom operators have the laser beams from the drone to the ground through the Internet to expand the network.
    Facebook plans to expand the network to the Internet via satellite. According to Facebook, the free area of ​​coverage of the Internet can play in the big satellite. The company contacted a specialist firm Scotland, Wales' coalition with . Facebook via satellite in 14 countries in Africa, will provide free internet.

    Facebook to spread the network in the area and will work with a company name iutilasyata isarayelera spesakama. The name of the company Facebook ayamasa -6 Africa via satellite, broadband networks that will help to create. The satellite will be launched next year.
    Facebook free internet assistance project has been renamed argera FaceBook dot com. Now it's' Free the basics of Facebook by the name being operated. The names change, but the scope of work is the same.
    Facebook claims that the satellite will be launched in the middle of the Africa Internet Service 2016. The solar-powered ayakuila Facebook will launch the drone via the free internet service.

    2 programmer living in the superclass

    At the present time the world is made asankhya programmers, many of whom are much better quality programmers. But the million dollar question is: "Who among the world's greatest programmer living". There is really no way to, say, could be the greatest programmer in the current period. There are many people who are alone, but we can not select the creation, operation and efficiency of the world demonstrates that the programmer superclass. Today, the 14 members living with you 14 I'll introduce programmers to the superclass.

    John Skeet Jon Skeet
    Because of that famous Stack obharaphlote living legend among contributors.

    Contributions and honor: he is a Google engineer and the author of C  in Depth. He obharaphlote stack up more than 450 per month to answer questions, so stack overflow riputesana highest score of all time, one of his jhulitekeu remarked that "Jon Skeet is a programmer writing code for the compiler to compile the compiler is unable to forgive him wants "or" John Skeet asusarana not any rules of coding, coding rules, which he wrote that ".

    Gennadi korotakebhica (Gennady Korotkevich)
    Because of that famous: Competitive wonder boy of programming.

    And honors the contribution of the International Informatics Olympiad of the youngest participants. He took part in the first International Olympiad in Informatics was only 11 years of age and the competition since 2007 until 2012, was drawn 6 times gold medalist. The 2013 International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM) and Facebook Hacker Cup winner in 2014, was part of the team. He is the first and so far Codeforces TopCoder is ranked second in the ranking. Its other name taorista (tourist). Nuka Shrinivas Rao told her about the "taorista a genius."

    Tarabheldasa Linus (Linus Torvalds)